Had Lucy from Jadore Models around on Monday, she’s quite young so her father accompanied her. I like interesting faces so I’ve painted a quick portrait of him too.
Portrait Class Castlefield
Portrait Class Castlefield, no model on Tuesday so Chris stepped in and posed for us.
Sophie, painted in three and a half hours.
Started to discipline myself and paint a portrait in three and a half hours. I’m more focused and efficient painting this way. The biggest problem is putting the brush down when the time is up. Wipe your mouth and move on. Liberating.
Sophie, Jadore Models
Sophie, Jadore Models. Painted this portrait of Sophie last Thursday, really need to start updating my work more.
Tuesday Portrait Class, Castlefield, Manchester
Tuesday Portrait Class at Phoenix House. People were early and the class was full so there wasn’t enough room on the easels. I had to sit on a Donkey, an Art Donkey. Didn’t know what the result was going to be like as I’m used to standing up and stepping back from the easel to check proportions. I enjoyed the angle of looking up at the model.
If you want to see a charcoal demonstration click >>>
Portrait of Dave, wet on wet painting
Used a sealed canvas so paint was skidding all over the place, it gave the portrait a more painterly feel.
Figure Drawing Manchester, Mondays
Figure drawing manchester. Monday night drop in class, charcoal and conte 90 mins. There’s never enough time.
Tuesday Night Portrait Class Manchester
Portrait Class Manchester, held in Phoenix house. 2 hour charcoal drawing of this old man, sadly forgot his name.
David Alla Prima Portrait
3.5 hour study of David, a student on my 6 week course.
Oil painting tutorial of Bilal
Oil painting tutorial of Bilal
Used stand oil for this portrait which is like painting with treacle.