Academic Portrait Painting Course 2023/24

Academy Portrait Painting Course 2023/24

Take your skills to the next level this year and learn the traditional techniques of classical realist art. The portrait painting course will teach you tried and tested methods going back to the Renaissance.

For more info on the course go to Realist Academy

Cost £2950 (deposit £200)

One years academic studies 2023-2024.
Saturdays 9.30-4.30
Total of 40 weeks tuition

Portrait Painting Course

The course is divided into two parts. The first part is Tone, the second part is Colour. The second part of the programme will focus on the theory and practical application of colour. We will be exploring the Full Colour Palette which lends itself well to the Alla Prima style of painting, giving it a fresh vibrant look.

The study of masterpieces is the quickest way to develop a visual vocabulary. During this term we will be looking at some of the modern masters of the Alla Prima technique to help us deal with the complexities of the full palette.

Through studying the masters and applying what we have learned we can start to develop our own style as a portrait artist.

The tone part of the programme is divided into two parts, drawing and tone.

The secret to a successful painting is measuring tone and colour in that order.

First we start with the Sight Size technique which is copying the reference like for like. Once we are comfortable with this measuring technique we then progress to comparative measurements based on proportional units of measurement, this method is used when observing the model from a distance.

The next step is tone, we will be learning how to observe and describe 3-dimensional form without the distraction or complexity of colour.

Simplification is key, we start by using the model of the Asaro head as an armature to break down the features of the face into simple geometric planes. Training the eye to accurately compare the tonal relationships of each plane is crucial to painting a convincing portrait.